Literacy Discussion At Wawasan

Wawasan is one of great mass media at Central Java. It is behalf on Suara Merdeka, the greatest one in this area. That morning a literacy discussion be held on it's base camp, the founder's home. The purpose is to embrace and making  it live again, same with the previous time it's used to be. 

There are two agendas that morning. 
One: Discussion about the organization for professional writers which will make national conference next month, and the books obligation planning from government which ask for feedback from writers. 
Two: Discussion about new book which released by our friend. It is fantasy novel for children that tell stories about local culinary. Sounds great ya. Because writing children stories for children is not easy, actually. I've been there and still need more practices.  Congrats and bravo ya.

For reservation,  review and any other collaboration, please do not hesitate to contact at 085701591957 (sms/wa) 
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