Women Leaders Summit 2020
Alhamdulillah kemarin aku berkesempatan ikut Women Leader Summit 2020. Berhubung masih pandemi, semua dilakukan via zoom.
Nara sumber panelis berasal dari beberapa negara dan benua.
Berikut beberapa petikan dari perhelatan ini.
Women leaders summit
Why some women tend to envy & compete another women? How we should handle it? How significant do you think the support from relatives (female and male), society, and even the country when support from other women is not accessible?
Session 1: The Journey to love and Heal yourself. Improving personal development as leadership and entrepreneurship to emotional intelligence turning grief to grace. panelis: USA. Angola. ID
"If I don't love myself, how can I make others love me?" -Alexis Dickerson- USA "Know yourself, know your value. Stand up even when they don't value yourself properly" -Mahditia- ID
In the lowest position sometimes we feel that we do not have hope, and tend to blame our selves. How can we do to deal with this situation? Don't be so hard to yourself. Just give it your best. As long as u know that you give it your best, u can go sleep well. Learn to let go
In this pandemic, domestic violence has become a serious problem. Violence is more likely to occur both physically and mentally, but communication and interaction with the outside world is very limited, making it difficult for victims to seek help or provide information.
as a women. what can we do to help them? or even prevent it from happening? We women criticise ourselves too harshly. Do good deeds, speak good words and think good thoughts.
people sometimes underestimated women achievement. Some of them thought that they do dirty things to get that far. Most of time we ignore them, but sometimes it make mad. Become a widow sometimes not that easy. That's why woman-support-woman really needed.
We need to be strong. ignore those negative voices. love ourselves. also find someone who love us. we all need support and supported.
Behind amazing woman, there are great women who supported her. Be great women! A person who have excuse will only stay for an excuse.
Women have voices to be heard. We must be empowered to speak our minds. don't let others negativity break you. Think about where you started from, that will make you appreciate yourself and make you feel good
Session 2:Finding Indigenous in Us What is the meaningful lesson from nature,culture,values that has been passed on from generation to generation Session 3: Reconnecting to Our Roots Discussion on food security especially during pandemic&to develop self sufficiency movement
Alexa produce first perfume from Angola 2016.
Now she produce perfume for man
Keep conquer Keep thriving
“I never give up on me” is very powerful Go fight for something we love Whenever you fail, fail forward.
Some people believe that entrepreneurs main duty is actually solving social problems not merely for the profits. How do you think what you do solve social problems but also bring prosperity for you and people among us.
So proud of the courage, tenacity and inspiration of all testimonies If we want direction to know what my purpose in life is, ask a why ? question Why do I want to do this? Why does my product/vision exist? Why is it important? Why will people want this?
Finding the indigenous in us Facts of vulnerability
Find your wisdom
We all indigenous
Lujain al ubaid saudi arabia with Tasamy
How if our indigenous have not find its tribe yet?should we go on or find another wisdom which more relate to people commonly? what are the challenges you have in entrepreneurial advocacy in balancing between solving social problems,preserving the nature,and improving prosperity?
Social enterpreneurship Jadi inget bukuku terbitan erlangga, socioteenpreneurship
FARMING: Coffee in viva mountain
what applicable in the new normal given the COVID-19 pandemic a.Economically empowering women in the informal economy b.Strengthening capacities of women business leaders at the local level c.Mainstreaming gender in business to increase women’s economic opportunities.
More ballance approach Contextualised positively contribution
Lucida as women leader role
"Multiple roles & responsibility, so does the challenges. Women become a role model in every aspects." -Dr. Riri Ellis & Matemoana McDonald-
Sustainability is not a choice, it's a mission. Stay inclusive -Thilma Komaling Don't give up on your side, don't give up on your dream. Whenever I fail, I fail forward -Alexa Tomas Investment to people is the most important start for a sustainable project" -Lujain Al Ubaid
There are still many challenges faced by indigenous women. especially their exclusion from their right of nature resources (land, farming, water, herbal medicine etc), as well as their rights to their health reproductive from early marriage etc.
Is colonial conservation a problem in your country? What do you think about it and what is your message to environmental NGOs working in your country?
Women preserving the nature and the people. one of the reason why New Zealand is so attractive for many people, especially the Muslim people. It is ranked as the first in the world consecutively in the Islamicity indices. islamicity-index.org/wp/latest-indi
Session 3: Reconnecting to Our Roots and Food Discussion on food security especially during pandemic and to develop self sufficiency movement. The ongoing presentation entitled "My Travel to Own Myself” is presented by Adjoua Sylvie A. Ekanza from Ivory Coast
We should share and give back to the community By lecturing, coaching, mentoring etc The sky is the limit Meet the target Never under estimate ourself Sometimes we can be stress, discourage. There is the will there is the way The power of network Develop it,envolving,be helpful
Sef Carandnag Philipine Back to root means empowering women in community Promoting agricultural Enterpreneurship among disadvantaged women Reconnecting with nature
agri sector and women’s engagement Women can have superskill and scale it Traveling business profit for charity Sustainable Wala usik means no waste Danjungan Bohol island NO WIFI. only sea waves this is amazing how this concept can be sustainable for the long term
plastic waste management Sustainable practice Move food initiative Community market stall
Work with chef to rescue kitchen
In indonesia there is redbrick, mission is to address the plastic waste problem by creating material building, such a paver block
Indonesia and phillipines facing the new problem about plastic waste in ocean.
activities to educate community (especially wowen) to minimize using plastic imagine better future in the ocean without plastic. we should go there. keep the nature healthy. Jam 11 malam di new zealand skrg. Salah satu panelis pamit duluan.
any strategies that bringing the local value and wisdom with effort to ask community to save environment? Making community teachable. Tomorrow there are 5 mentors All attendence will discuss with them about planning, best practice and implementation for their movement/programme
women leaders summit day 2 grup 1: agriculture grup 2: creative economy grup 3:environment and sustainability grup 4: disaster and people resilience grup 5: advocacy and community empowerment opportunity challenge action strategy planning act locally inspiring globally
grup 1:
kelebihan korsel dlm creative economy: mengubah peran bapak dlm RT, dg cara bikin film memperkenalkan olahraga pd pemuda, dg memakai idol utk endorse belajar dari jepang: bangkit dan maju lagi advokasi dan perkuat bargaining perhatikan contract agreement lindungi hak cipta
modul, modal, model dekati pimpinan2 daerah utk dukung ekonomi kreatif pemberdayaan lingkungan penguatan masyarakat lokal mencari uniqueness masing2 daerah/potensi komunikasikan ke luar brand awareness tambahkan added value digital/virtual tour/class pelatihan2 utk promosi
manfaatkan design thinking untuk mengakomodir, menganalisa dan mengolah insight2 dari para stakeholders grup 5: leverage education and knowledge collaboration politic dialog lobbying team consolidation conduct advocacy know priority empowering each other
grup 4: power come from family,from women promote solidarity among women learn each other use platform in the school support spiritually build community reach government make small business,share it distribute properly identify our power push government bring policies big heart
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