Profil Dian Nafi dalam berbagai kategori
(However itu kayaknya harus di-update lagi dengan kondisi dan situasi terbaru ya. Karena ada tambahan achievement dan amanah baru dll)
Nah, kalau mau lihat profil dian nafi versi pendek/singkatnya, bisa lihat di sini:
bio dn 150 kata
Lecturer of Architecture at Sultan Fatah University. Undip Architecture graduates, public policy magister who like to write fiction & non-fiction about people development. Gramedia Academy Coach, WomenWill Mentor by Google, Trainer, Blogger. Author 40 books, 112 anthologies in 20 publishers. Profil Coverage at Medan Daily(2011) Indonesian Women's Author and Writers Profile Book(2012) Jawa Pos-Radar Semarang(2013) AlineaTV (2014) Sindo(2014) Tribun(2015) Nakita(2016) TVKU(2018) Sastrawan Jateng(2019) LingkarLuar(2020) Rskw(2021) TVNU(2022). Favorite LMCR ROHTO 2011,2013. Selected Writer of PBA&KPK 2011, Selected WS Kompas 2012, Nominee NonFiction Favorite of Indonesian Readers Award 2012. PSA Awardee 2013. Narasi Awardee 2014. PSA Awardee 2014. Nominee Favorite Fiction Award Indonesian Readers 2016. Regent Literacy Appreciation 2017. Finalist BBJT2018. Finalist Tempo 2018 Fellowship. Scholarship SGPP 2020, PostGraduate Bursary Asean Studies of Australian 2021 Scholarship FFBS UK-IndoTechHub 2022 CodingMum R&D; Demak Women's Association; Demak Literacy Council ; Advocacy Muslimat NU; Lesbumi . Paper s have been selected& presented in 36 international conferences.
bio dn 100 kata
Dian Nafi. Author. Lecturer. Trainer. Undip Architecture Graduate. Master public policy. Writing 40 books&120 anthology in 20 publishers. Owner Hasfa Publishing&Institute. Favorite LMCR ROHTO 2011,2013. Selected Writer of PBA&KPK 2011, Selected WSKompas 2012, Nominee Favorite Indonesian Readers Award 2012. PSA Awardee 2013. Narasi Awardee 2014. PSA Awardee 2014. Nominee Favorite Fiction Award Indonesian Readers 2016. Regent Literacy Appreciation 2017. Finalist BBJT2018. Finalist Tempo 2018 Fellowship. Scholarship SGPP 2020, PostGraduate Bursary Asean Studies of Australian 2021 Scholarship FFBS UK-IndoTechHub 2022. CodingMum R&D;Demak Women's Association;Demak Literacy Council;Advocacy Muslimat NU. Papers have been selected in 36 international conferences.
bio dn 50 kata
Dian Nafi. Author. Lecturer. Trainer. Graduated from architecture of Diponegoro university. Master public policy. Writing 40 books & 120 anthology in 20 publishers. Owner Hasfa Publishing & Institute. IG @diannafi
bio dn 200 kata
Dian Nafi. Undip Architecture graduates, public policy magister who like to travel and write fiction and non-fiction about pesantren, women, entrepreneurship, people development. Gramedia Academy Coach, Women Will Mentor by Google, Trainer, Lecturer, Blogger. Author 40 books, 112 anthologies in 20 publishers.
Her profile was published in Medan Daily(2011) Indonesian Women's Author and Writers Profile Book(KosaKataKita,2012) Jawa Pos-Radar Semarang(2013) Alinea TV (2014) Sindo(2014) Tribun(2015) Nakita(2016) TVKU(2018) Buku Sastrawan Jateng(2019) LingkarLuar(2020) Rskw(2021) TVNU(2022)
Favorite LMCR ROHTO 2011,2013. Selected Writer of PBA&KPK 2011, Selected WS Kompas 2012, Nominee NonFiction Favorite of Indonesian Readers Award 2012. PSA Awardee 2013. Narasi Awardee 2014. PSA Awardee 2014. Nominee Favorite Fiction Award Indonesian Readers 2016. Regent Literacy Appreciation 2017. Finalist BBJT2018. Finalist Tempo 2018 Fellowship. Scholarship SGPP 2020, PostGraduate Bursary Asean Studies of Australian 2021 Scholarship FFBS UK-IndoTechHub 2022 Waiver ACEER 2023
Literary Activist, CodingMum R&D; Demak GOW (Women's Association) Organization Division, R&D Demak Regional Council for Literature (DKD); Women Empowerment KNPI, Advocac and R&D Muslimat NU; Secretary FPB; Lesbumi (Art Culture)
Paper has been selected and presented in 42 international conferences at some countries.
Another dn profil
Dian Nafiatul Awaliyah, ST. MPP. Undip Architecture graduates and public policy magister who like to travel and write fiction and non-fiction about Islam, pesantrenan, feminism, parenting, entrepreneurship and people development. Gramedia Academy Coach, Women Will Mentor by Google, Trainer Hasfa Camp, Public Speaker. Author 40 books and 112 anthologies in more than 20 Indonesian publishers. Blogger;;;;;
Her profile was published in Medan Daily (2011) Indonesian Women's Author and Writers Profile Book (KosaKataKita, 2012) Jawa Pos-Radar Semarang (2013) TV Paragraph (2014) Sindo Newspaper (2014) Tribun (2015) Nakita (2016) TVKU (2018) Buku Sastrawan Jateng (2019) Lingkar luar (2020) Rskw (2021) TVNU (2022)
Favorite Winner of LMCR ROHTO 2011 and 2013. Selected Writer Writer of PBA and KPK 2011, Writer Selected WAS Kompas Short Story 2012, Nominee Non Fiction Favorite Award of Indonesian Readers Award 2012. PSA Awardee 2013. Narrative Month Awardee 2014. PSA Awardee 2014. Nominee Favorite Fiction Award Indonesian Readers 2016. Recipient of Literacy Appreciation from the Regent of 2017. Wins the Selection of the Central Java Language Center 2018 Competition. Finalist IBT Tempo 2018 Fellowship. Paper Presenter at International Conference at Radboud University Nijmegen The Netherlands 2019. Scholarship SGPP 2020 Awardee Post Graduate Bursary Asean Studies of Australian 2021 Scholarship FFBS UK-IndoTechHub 2022 Waiver ACEER 2023
Activists of many writing communities, blogger communities and other communities; Chairman of NU Demak Fatayat Research and Development; Bekraf CodingMum Research and Development; Chairperson of Demak's GOW (Women's Association) Organization Division, Chairperson of Demak's Regional Council for Literature (DKD); Women Empowerment KNPI, Advocacy, R&D Muslimat NU; Secretary FPB; Lesbumi (Art Culture).
Email : IG: @diannafi Twitter: @ummihasfa
another version:
Dian Nafiatul Awaliyah is a
prominent figure known for her extensive contributions to various fields,
particularly in architecture, education, and women empowerment. She has
presented her research and insights at numerous international conferences,
addressing topics such as women poverty and radicalism, resilience mindset
through religious book insights. Dian's work extends to creating hybrid
learning spaces, fostering community engagement, and promoting literacy
festivals for resilient communities. Additionally, she has authored several
refereed journal articles focusing on architecture, urban development, and cultural
sustainability. Dian's impactful research and activism have earned her
recognition globally, reflected in her extensive publication record and
participation in prestigious conferences.
profil dian nafi dalam bahasa Indonesia
Dian Nafi. Lulusan Arsitektur Undip dan Master Kebijakan Publik. Founder Hasfa. Penulis, novelis, cerpenis, blogger, trainer, dosen, peneliti, penjelajah, pecinta seni budaya, creator, aktifis. Books and Dgital Enthusiast. Menulis 70 buku dan 120 antologi di lebih 20 penerbit. Presentasi paper dan lolos 40 an international conference di 15 negara. IG @diannafi
Btw, kalau mau lihat profil dn dalam berbagai bidang, bisa tengok link-link berikut:
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